- PhD, Doctoral Degree in Electrical Engineering/ Electronic Engineering (Dr.-Ing.)
Product and process planning for microtechnology production
Joint project of BMBF, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, TU Berlin, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg and TU Dresden
- Postgraduate degree in Electrical Engineering (Dipl.-Ing. Technical University)
Quality management in electronics production and component assembly
- Postgraduate degree in Engineering Management(Dipl.-Wirt. Ing.)
Ergonomics, organisation, sales and marketing
- Degree in Physical Engineering (Dipl.-Ing.)
Hardware and software for testing and simulation systems, physics of diagnostic and therapeutic methods
- Apprenticeship - Electrical Installer (Chamber of Industry and Commerce)
Power engineering, automation technology and process control technology
- Managing Director Engineering
Chief Operating Officer
Motor parts
Emishaft Ltd.
- Senior Vice President
Business Development
Business development and integrated management systems
as well as management of ProNetz corporate programme
DB Netz AG
- Senior Vice President
Group Development
Corporate Strategy and Mergers & Acquisitions
Siemens AG - Transportation Systems (Mobility)
- Vice President
Operational Excellence
International plant network and top+ corporate programme
Siemens AG - Transportation Systems (Mobility)
- Senior Director
Chief Quality Officer
Central quality management and testing and validation centre (PCW)
Siemens AG - Transportation Systems (Mobility)
- Project / Group Leader, Research & Development
Systems engineering (Automotive and Healthcare)
- Quality Planning Assistant
Medical technology and Healthcare
Vygon GmbH & Co. KG
- Managing Partner and Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
Radermacher & Partner GmbH
Strategy Development, product and process innovations
- Chief Executive Officer/ CEO
Radermacher technology engineers GmbH
Technology Management, Engineering Services, Planning
- Chief Operating Officer/ COO
Radermacher & Partner Berlin GmbH
(later IDS Scheer AG)
IT and process consultancy, facility management
- Chief Operating Officer/ COO
Dr. Radermacher & Partner Techno Consult GmbH
Technology-intensive business fields
R&D Management, Supply Chain Management, Operational Excellence
- Certified Expert for Historic Cars
- Appraisals: Oldtimers, Youngtimers and Neo-Classics
- Buyer's guide: Oldtimers, Youngtimers and Neo-Classics
- Guest lecturer for quality and technology & innovation management
- Technical University Munich IWB; Mechanical Engineering
- Technical University Dresden IET; Electrical Engineering / Electronics Engineering
- University of Bamberg FAW; Business Administration / Automotive Industry
- Editorial Board, ZfAW
Journal of the automotive industry value chain
FAW-Verlag Bamberg
- Membership on other advisory boards of incorporated companies
- Heuschkel Druckguss GmbH, Nuremberg, Germany
- KST Motorenversuch GmbH & Co. KG, Bad Dürkheim, Germany
- GEVA Gesellschaft für Entwicklung und Versuch Adlershof GmbH, Berlin, Germany
- Union Economic Advisory Council; committees:
- Education & Science
- Technology & Innovation
- Transport Policy
- Economic Policy
- Professional Associations
- Member of the Association of German Engineers (VDI)
- Consulting Engineer of the Bavarian Chamber of Engineers for Construction corporation under public law (BayIkaBau)
- BAIKA (Bavarian Innovation and Cooperation Initiative Automotive Supplier Industry of Bayern Innovativ -Gesellschaft für Innovation und Wissenstransfer mbH)